Saturday, January 22, 2011

Survey Assistant

I have mentioned before that people make a very big production of white people.  It is getting a bit exhausting, because everyone wants to talk to me all the time.  I have so much been enjoying conversations with the locals though.  Everyone on this campus seems to know my name and where I am from.  One guy asked me for my e-mail address so he could e-mail me to “discuss the weather.” If he starts discussing anything other than the weather, I shall have to evaluate if his address will make it through my spam filter.  Another guy asked for my e-mail so he could “send me greetings.” I have learned to start saying no. 

I have a personal assistant for this survey project.  He is a worker for the college that helps me survey.  His main job is to go in front of me and make sure there are no poisonous plants or snakes.  He is very good at his job and so far neither he nor I have seen any snakes which I am quite happy about.  His name is Patrick and he is the first born of 19 children.  We come from such different worlds yet conversation seems to come easily between us.  I have enjoyed interacting with everyone I have met in Uganda thus far. Tomorrow there is an eMi staff get together in the afternoon and an eMi “Girls Night Out” in the evening.  I am looking forward to them both.  There have been a few change in plans and I am not sure what my schedule will be for the next few days.  I will be heading back to Eagles Wings on February 3 with an eMi team, and probably to Gulu in the next few days to do some more surveying.


  1. Hi Jaimee, so nice to see all your postings, and I agree with you, cold is much better than hot. I love walking when it is cool out, more so than when hot.
    Sounds like you are having some unique adventures, and I agree hard to fathom little children having such troubles in their young lives.
    Keep healthy and be careful Love Joan

  2. Hope "Girls night out" was fun!! What did you do?

  3. I think all these guys asking your for your email is their way of asking you out ;)

    Now, about the wedding. I suppose the part of Africa you're in doesn't have the fatting huts. If you see one, make sure to let me know!

    It seems your having an amazing time. Keep it up!

