Saturday, January 1, 2011

Project In Uganda

I have had a few people asking me about what I'll be doing in Uganda, so I thought I would write a short post to explain the projects I'll be working on.

I'm going to be travelling to Uganda with Engineering Ministries International (eMi) the same organization I travelled with to Haiti and India.  This time around it will be different in a few respects.  First of all, I'll be away for 5 weeks which is substantially longer than any of the previous trips I have taken.  Secondly, eMi always partners with a ministry to provide engineering services.  Usually I haven't known anything about the ministry until I read the project description on the eMi website. This time around we will be serving at Eagles Wings Childrens Village which is an orphanage that was the brainchild of some good family friends from where I grew up. I also sponsor 2 children here, so it will be special to be able to meet them.

Since I'm going for an extended visit, the first week I'm there will be designated to visit with Bill & Ann Peckham who look after Eagles Wings Childrens Village. I'm looking forward to spending some time with them.  The next two weeks will be spent surveying with Patrick Cochrane who is also Canadian.  I have never met Patrick, but he has a lot of experience in development and disaster relief work and I am really looking forward to working and learning from him.  I don't have that many details about when or where we'll be surveying but Patrick has a good description on his blog here.

After we are done surveying, a team of engineers and architects will be arriving and we will head to Eagles Wings to do an eMi project trip.  This will be a similar format to the trips I did to Haiti and India.

I received some Christmas photos from Bill & Ann at Eagles Wings which I will post to give people reading this a bit of a visual to where I am going.

 This is a picture of Family #2.  My sponsor child Bushira is the girl in the orange dress in the second row directly behind the girl in the red dress. My Mom and Dad sponsor Joseph who is in the front row wearing the striped polo shirt and khaki pants.  I'm looking forward to meeting him too.
This is Family #3. My sponsor child Ibrahim is second from the right in the back row wearing a red shirt. In his last letter he told me he was very excited for me "to come in Uganda".  I'm looking forward to meeting him too. Him and Bushira both told me they think my cat is cute, I have to say I couldn't agree more.


  1. Hi Jaimee! It's so good to hear what you are up to and I'm looking forward to hearing all about your adventures to come. Sending you love and prayers!

  2. Hi Jamiee Just got your blog address a while ago from Mom tried to post but couldn't figure out how to do it. Phoned and got your DAd and he helped me so hopefully this works now. Sure enjoying reading about your adventures. Love Joan Childs
