Friday, October 4, 2013

Surveying and Getting Check Ups

I wasn't going to write a post today, but my heart is full and I felt the need to write.  It seemed like a quiet day, but so much happened today. This morning I got to chat with the older girls before they went off to school and it was wonderful. I had a chance to learn a few more of their names and chat with them about their favourite subjects.

I also helped with a bit of surveying and it was fun to be able to climb the mountain paths with my survey rod.  Although I didn't enjoy the aroma of surveying near the pig pen, the rest of it was fun.  Tomorrow John & I are going to work on the hydraulic model of the new pipeline. I bet you're all jealous (especially my co-workers).

Later in the afternoon when the rest of the civil team was either gone or having naps, I went down to the girls dorms to play with them for a bit during their free time.  I had so much fun with them! Some of them went and got their doctor's kits and gave me a check up.  All around I heard them calling me, "Didi (sister)" "Didi look here!" or sometimes if they were really desperate for me to look "Diiiiiii." It has been a little easier connecting with the kids this time around.  I know some of them remember me, but some of them don't, so I'm not sure what is making it easier this time.  Perhaps, just because I'm a little bit familiar with the way this place works now. Don't get me wrong, there are still plenty of moments where there are dynamics I don't understand, or where I'm not sure how to carry myself, but I do feel more connected more quickly than I did last year at this point in the project.

I realized today how much I love spending time with these kids.  How much they inspire me.  Some of them have hard pasts, but they inspire me to live fully. Leaving these people behind this time is going to be that much harder.

Be sure to check out the video I posted on Facebook of the kid's acrobatics tonight.

Until next time,


 They wanted me to take a picture of them playing cricket! The girls thought it was so funny to pose in the background.

 It was so fun to watch some of the older girls practice their traditional dancing in between the bamboo sticks.
Karina in mid air.  I love this girl.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Jaimee,

    So happy you are having fun. God is blessing you. On Tuesday when I went to my program out I sat beside Madhurie from India what a joy this was to tell her about you there. She brought us a box of treats for all 25 us they were called gulah jamun. GOOD AND VERY SWEET. We had fun also with exercises and games. A fun day out.

    Love and Hugs Grandma P.
