Tuesday, October 8, 2013

Performance Night

Besides being a busy work day today and getting ready for the construction team's arrival this afternoon, we have our big dance performance tonight.  Last night we had practice in front of the kids.  They loved it and thought it was uproarious. When we finished the dance, the kids erupted in rowdy applause.  I don't think we would have received a louder ovation if we had put on an Olympic winning performance.

I am still very much enjoying my time here and have been having fun both working and interacting with the people. 

I'm sorry if my blog posts haven't been incredibly deep or theological lately.  Even just getting through the day sometimes takes a lot of mental exercise in a different culture, so I find my writing is much less in depth than when I write things at home.

There are so many things I am thankful for. I am so very thankful for simply being here, because it almost didn't happen.  It is such a gift.  And for Himalayan mountains, the laughter of children, seeing the girl's faces absolutely light up when they see me around campus and hear them say "Didi Jaimee!", connecting with old friends and making new ones, Indian food, Bambi the St. Bernard, kids that dance with joy and so very many other things.

Anyway, I will let you all know how the big debut performance goes tonight.  Myself and the other civil intern Tyler perform the big finale at the end of the dance and I get to do these really fun spins which the kids loved last night.  The dance also involves some shaking of the hips which is always fun too.

I'll try and upload a couple videos so you can meet some of these people I love.  I wish you could be here on this journey with me.

Until next time,


Sherel.  She loves to sing and dance and is such a sweetheart.


  1. Yes, I want to see the dance video Jaimee!

  2. Yes, and we want to see who you did the dance with!
