Thursday, October 3, 2013

Back here and loving it.

I arrived back at Shanti Niketan Children's Home last night.  It was so wonderful to be greeted by familiar faces at the train station and to see the people's excitement here to see a few of us returning volunteers again.  I was so touched when I arrived by how they told me that they had been praying for my visa to come through and at their genuine happiness of my (and the rest of the team's) return here. 

This morning Matthew decided we could sleep in a bit since we got in so late and meet at 8 for our opening meeting.  At 7:30 am, we heard a pounding on our door only to have a few of the girls come in and serve us tea in bed.  I've never experienced anything quite like that before. . . but it was fun.  Tomorrow though, we will be up earlier so won't have to experience being served tea in my pyjamas.

I had so much fun interacting with the kids today, and seeing the astonishment on some of the smaller ones faces when I called them by name.  I'm also looking forward to interacting with the older girls that I haven't really seen that much yet this time around.  I had so much fun just sitting around and chatting with them last year.

Work wise things have been great too.  Since this project is largely focused on water supply, I have enjoyed working with a larger than normal civil team, with 3 volunteers (including me) and an intern that are focusing on water.  I really enjoy the collaboration of knowledge and I know I'll learn a lot as usual.  Tomorrow, we may go into a nearby city to scope out materials before the construction team gets here.  One of the main jobs of the construction team coming from BC, is to construct a new water supply pipeline.

So last night, all of us in the guest house heard some weird noises at 4 AM.  To me, it sounded like monkeys jumping on the roof and scratching.  The guys are all convinced it is a rat in the wall.  I've decided I'm going to stick with my monkey scenario, because monkeys are so much cuter.  I asked the director and he says there are lots of monkeys in the area, so clearly it's got to be a monkey right?

Tonight the kids all put on a welcome program for us which was so nice.  They danced and sang and recited bible verses and put on dramas.  It was just excellent and I loved it so much.  Hmuni, the director told us they are putting on another performance at the end of our stay that is an hour of dancing.  I'm so excited for that!

As I'm here, I'm so grateful for all these people teach me.  Despite the sometimes awkward way I feel in a foreign culture, it feels like I have returned somewhere that somehow feels a bit like home.  These people teach me so much.  These kids, they remind me, that grace is always enough, even when nothing else is.  Even as I am here, I am reminded of the people and places I love in Uganda and other parts of the world, and I feel the weight of the challenges there.  Somehow I think there are some of us that always feel the weight of humanity on our shoulders.  And perhaps this isn't always a bad thing, even if it seems somehow difficult. 

And so I end this post with a thankful heart and excitement of every single moment to come.  Some will be hard, some easy, and yet others wild with joy.  I hope I remember and embrace every single one.



 Karina is so much fun!
 The girls played a crazy game of cricket this afternoon.
 Checking out the new water meter installed since last time.  Exciting stuff!
 Sarita is so very cute!
 Love these girls!
 Matthew teaches some of the children addition.  Future engineers?
 Silly boys.
These boys are so rowdy and full of mischief.  I love it!

1 comment:

  1. Hey Jaimee

    Glad to hear you arrived there safely. Enjoyed reading about all your adventures. You are again sharing your talents with the kids that you love. Looking forward to hearing all the details of your trip when you return home. Chance and Wilson say hello.

    Love Mom & Dad
