Thursday, February 21, 2013

More of this wonderful

Hello again from Uganda.  More wonderful times here.  Yesterday we went into town in the morning to pick up some supplies.  It was fun.  Jovan went to negotiate on some pots for us at the market.  When he had agreed on a price, he needed to come back and get that amount of money, but walked right past us like he didn't know us, because if the store keeper saw him with 3 mzungu's (white people) the price would be more.  So we walked farther down and gave him the money.  When he went back, the shopkeeper had put up the price because she had followed him and saw him with us!  He was not so happy about that, so we went to a different shop to buy them.

Today we went out to the property and the highlight of my day was walking up to the school to see Wasswa, the littlest boy that I sponsor, come flying out of his classroom to see me and give me a hug.  It was so wonderful!  I love these people so much.  I simply just love being around them, the kids and the staff of Eagles Wings.

I have been so much enjoying staying with Joan.  Just being with her and lounging around the house in my pj's until noon.  Playing dutch blitz in the evening and laughing at silly things.

That's all for now,


 Elisha's all ready to go for school.  I was so half asleep when I took this photo I didn't even realize he had milk all over his face.
Me & Wasswa, my little sweetie:)


  1. Jaimee loving your posts as usual hope everything is getting a little back to normal there

  2. Jaimee. Good to see you are having such a wonderful time and once again making a difference in the lives of the people you love so much.

    Love Mom and Dad
