Saturday, March 17, 2012

The power of a letter

Today was such a good day.  I worked hard this morning on my pictures for the sponsors and managed to finish them up by early afternoon, so that was a relief.  I was getting a bit worried that I had bit off more than I could chew.  I still have the unsponsored kids to do, but that can be done once I get home.  It was important that I finish up the sponsored kids so I could leave them with the secretary here to send to the sponsors.

Right before lunch I played a wild game of hide and go seek and kick the can with all the kids.  The boys were all trying to protect me and find me the best spot.  It was so sweet.  They would come and tell me where to hide and then spy and give me updates on the status of the seeker. When they thought it was the best time to kick the can, they would scream "Run Auntie Run!" at the top of their lungs.

Another funny part of my day was when Fred, one of the littler guys was walking around holding my hand and all of a sudden looked up at me with his big brown eyes and with the deepest sincerity said "Auntie, you smell good!"

Today Ibra, the boy that I sponsor in Family 3, told me he wanted me to come see his room.  He pulled out a cloth shopping bag that I had given him last year from under his bed, and inside was his most treasured possessions. At the top were all the letters I had sent him, piled neatly, folded back and stored in the envelopes, clearly read and re-read.  For those of us that sponsor children, I don't think we truly understand how much our words mean to the kids we sponsor.  Ibra has told me on more than one occasion that he see's me as his Mom.  What a great and awesome responsibility that is. 

Today after supper, two of the extension students were also discussion letters from their sponsors. The girl, whose sponsors are good friends of mine said they had sent her a bible which she treasures and made her feel special because no one else has one like it.  The one boy said he was heartbroken that he had never heard from his sponsor and didn't know what they looked like.  With a dejected look in his face he looked up and said, "I don't think my sponsor loves me." His friend, then replied, that his sponsors who didn't even know him were sending him money and that in itself was enough to show him they loved him.  His response was that he knew all that, but if only they would send him a letter, he would know for sure he was loved. 

I don't want to get on a soapbox here.  For those of you that sponsor, thank you so much, you are making a huge difference whether you send letters or not.  But taking 5 or 10 minutes to write a simple letter can bring more joy than you know to the one that you sponsor.

A huge shipment of new shoes came in for all the children in Family 1, 2 & 3.  So yesterday was shoe fitting day for the children in Family 3.  They were all so excited.  As they left 6 at a time, one of the little boys was jumping up and down as he waited at the gate to go find a new pairs of shoes.  I asked him if he was excited, and as he continued to jump up and down he said "Yes, Auntie, Yes I am!"  They are all very proud of their new shoes.

 Fitting new shoes.  All these shoes were very generously donated by an organization called (I think) "Souls for Shoes."
 The children were presented with new bibles today.  They all dressed up in their fancy clothes for the ceremony.  They were so excited, as many of them had been wanting their own bible for a long time.
Wahabu plays football with the rest of the boys.

1 comment:

  1. Superb Jaimee ,love how the children call you Auntie . how special you are to them .
    Bless you and looking forward to you coming home next week . Tonight at our place here there is to be a choir from Carenport . looking forward to that . Love from Grandma
