Friday, April 5, 2013

Some Days are just meant for writing. . . and today is one of those.

Looking back now, I realize there are many things people never told me. Some days I wonder what I will see when I look back on me 30 years from now. What will I know then that I wish I knew now? As I sit here in the now, I think about the future, but I ponder the past. No one told me that going overseas would change so much of me. That after being in Rwanda, countless nights later I would close my eyes and still hear those stories, see their faces and feel their pain. That little girl I passed in India?  The one I’ve talked about before, whose eyes were blinded intentionally so she could beg more effectively. I walked passed her and I remembered watching Slumdog Millionaire, only this time it was real and she was right there in front of me, close enough to touch.

Here I sit, 3 weeks home from Uganda. Somehow coming home this time is different from the times before. I’m reminded to become a hunter of beauty, to find wonder in small places where no one else does. And somehow, sometimes, I find myself succeeding. I ski through the woods and my dog Wilson looks up at me with a mischievous grin. I love her wild. And then the joy, that untamed joy and thankfulness is followed by guilt as I think about the challenges of where I just was and I miss my friends there deeply. How do I bridge the gap of where I am and where I just was?

How do I become that person God intends me to be? I realize that sometimes His plans are different from mine. I certainly didn’t think I would still be single by this point in my life. One day as I was complaining to one of my good friends about my seemingly perpetual singleness, she looked me deep in the eyes and told me never to let being married get in the way of the way I love people, or the things I do overseas. That day she challenged me, she made me realize that whether I get married or not I can be one of those people who gets up and lets God open the hands and hold my heart. As one of my favourite songs says I can learn to stand with arms high and heart abandoned. I can learn, am learning, how to be called to holiness, yet to still love people in a way that says I can listen and accept who they are fully and completely without judgment. To let people know that even though our life experience may be vastly different, I still know and understand what it means to be human. All this, it will take all of life to learn, because I know I will fall and have to find my way back up time and time again. And so I look forward, challenged to keep finding joy, to fight for peace and to learn how to live fully present to those around me even when parts of me live across the ocean even still.

God Speed,

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